Toy Drive - We need your support!
A message from our CEO, Doug
Hello and Happy Holidays!
The pandemic has hit everyone in one way or another. While every city and town has felt the effects, Our home base in Las Vegas, NV has been hit especially hard. The people that call Las Vegas home are the same people you encounter when you visit us at WPPI. It’s the hotel desk clerk, the hotel maid, the bellmen, convention workers, and restaurant staff. The list can go on and on. The trickle down effect is reaching deep within our community.Our local pubs and restaurants that have annual toy drives are finding donation bins empty. This happens to be the case at a local pub that my wife and I would visit to play a few games of darts with friends. The toy donation bins are empty, and there is not a single bike.
This toy drive for Children of Southern Nevada ends late on Dec. 8th. This breaks my heart.
The Lens Flipper is asking for donations in any amount in the next two days so we, as a community of compassionate photographers, can give back. We wish we could help in every community.
Donations can be made through PayPal at this link:
(If clicking the link above doesn't work, please copy and paste this into your browser)
For making a donation of any size, you will be entered in to win one of 5 Lens Flippers we are going to give away on Tuesday, Dec. 15th
If you need alternative donation methods, please let us know and we will do our best to help.
Even under the circumstances, we wish you a happy and safe holiday season.